Ella Walker


Why did you choose to study French A Level?

I did French at GCSE and enjoyed it and I think I was naturally good at it, so I decided to take it at A Level. I also wanted to take Business Studies because I thought the combination would be good for a future career. I discussed with my GCSE teacher at lower school what the A Level would be like, what the course structure was like, what support I would get and the Year 12 trip to France. The trip to France decided it for me in the end!

How will you use your French A Level?

As I learned the French language more and listened to external speakers talking about the importance of languages, I was inspired to choose a course that combined French with Business. I decided to apply to study International Management at university. Employers look for languages on CVs and it boosts employability. I also did the Sutton Trust Pathway to consulting, business solutions and management which is an 18-month programme. I didn’t know anything about consulting before I started on the Sutton Trust Programme.

What advice would give to a student considering A Level French?

If you enjoy Modern Foreign Languages at GCSE, take it at A Level. I would recommend full emersion into your chosen language. Most of the music I listen to now is French, I watch everything with French subtitles, listen to French audio books and I read French books. At A Level the classes are small with tailored personal feedback which is great.

Click here for course information on French at The Blue Coat Sixth Form

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