Jiya Dhoot


Why did you choose to study Physics at A Level?

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after A Levels when I first started my courses. I have always enjoyed studying Mathematics and Science and I knew I wanted to continue this in some way after my A Levels. During my time at Blue Coat Sixth Form, I was lucky enough to go on an engineering residential at St Peters College Oxford as well as taking part in the UK Maths Trust challenge.  During my time at Blue Coat, I have become more fascinated by Physics study particularly topics such as astrophysics and quantum phenomena.  

What are the benefits of studying A Level Physics?  

Studying Physics is highly valued by universities and employers and it can lead on to a wide choice of degrees and careers such as: engineering, management consultancy, digital systems and software engineering, innovative technologies as well as academic research.

What advice would you give to a student considering studying Physics A Level?

If you enjoy Mathematics and Science, you are open minded and interested in scientific understanding and concepts about the universe, Physics is an exciting subject to study. It can be mind-blowing at times. The Physics teachers at Blue Coat are all enthusiastic and very knowledgeable and their enthusiasm rubs off on you when you study A Level Physics.    

Click here for course information on Physics at The Blue Coat Sixth Form

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