Wasik Rahman

Computer Science

Why did you choose to study Computer Science A Level?

I picked Computer Science because it’s the future. The period we’re in is one where technology is rapidly advancing, particularly things like AI. If I have a good knowledge of computer science, I can contribute to that advancing world.  During lockdown I decided I wanted to get into the technology sector because it interested me and careers in technology are very rewarding. I had time during lockdown to research and learn about all the opportunities in the sector.  At my previous school I didn’t have the option to do Computer Science at GCSE. I came to The Blue Coat Sixth Form specifically for Computer Science A Level and because it has always had an outstanding reputation.

How will you use your Computer Science A Level?

There are so many different computing or technical university courses, jobs and qualifications which you can do with Computer Science A Level. You are spoilt for choice! I think this is a positive thing because computer science is so vast and wide ranging, and you can specialise in the future.

What advice would give to a student considering A Level Computer Science?

You start learning from the very first day, so you need to be ready to learn from the word go. Don’t slack in your revision and always ask questions to the teachers, they have a vast knowledge of the subject. I think if you are studying Computer Science A Level you should take A Level Maths as well because they complement each other.

Click here for course information on Computer Science at The Blue Coat Sixth Form

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