16-19 Bursary

At Blue Coat we want to ensure that every one of our students is given every opportunity to succeed. For some of our students this might mean financial support if a student is experiencing hardship.

The 16-19 Bursary is a fund that supports access to learning for Sixth Form students who are suffering financial hardship; it helps pay for: 

  • Transport
  • Learning equipment
  • Field trips
  • University Open days/visits/interviews

Receiving bursary funding does not affect receipt of other means-tested benefits paid to families, such as Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Child Benefit, Working Tax Credit and Housing Benefit.

Blue Coat Sixth Form will help as many students as possible with the funding available but at the start of the academic year we are uncertain of the number of applicants and therefore cannot guarantee financial assistance in every case, but welcome applications.

Payments made to eligible students could be subject to change during the academic year dependent on funds available and number of applications made. Financial assistance with educational visits and resources will be at Blue Coat’s discretion and dependant on availability of funds.

Depending on the number of successful applications and monies available we would like to be able to help students with some of the cost of essential educational visits and equipment necessary for your course. If there is sufficient funding we may be able to help towards the cost of exams, UCAS applications, university visits etc.

There are 2 types of bursary that may apply depending on a student’s financial situation.

The Defined Bursary

This is available to students who fall under any of the following categories:

  • Young person in care or a care leaver.
  • Young person in receipt of income support or universal credit (in your own name)
  • Disabled young person in receipt of Employment Support Allowance or universal credit & Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payment (in your own name)
The Discretionary Bursary

This is available to students who can evidence meeting the following criteria:

  • Eligibility for FSM
  • Unaccompanied asylum seeker
  • Young carer not in receipt of a carers allowance
  • Parent in receipt of benefits
  • Total household income of less than £25 000.
Evidence Required

Examples of accepted documentation to support your application are below –

For the Defined Bursary:

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Award
  • Letter from the Local Authority stating that you are a young person in care or a care leaver.

For the Discretionary Bursary:

  • P60 – most recent year
  • Universal Credit Award – most recent award statement
  • Self-employment Accounts
  • Job Seekers Allowance Letter – dated in last 3 months
  • Letter from the Local Authority stating eligibility for Free School Meals

Failure to submit the necessary evidence will result in your application being delayed.

How to Apply

Apply Here

Students will need to apply using their Sixth Form email address.

You, the student, must have a bank account in your own name. Payments can only be made to your bank account and will be paid by BACS.

Applications can be made throughout the academic year as we understand that households can experience a change in circumstances at any time.

Please note you will not be able to apply without submitting the supporting evidence. Payments will not be made until we have seen and verified the appropriate evidence that the student is eligible to receive a bursary award.

If you have any questions in relation to the 16-19 Bursary please email [email protected]

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The Blue Coat Sixth Form is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.